Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holiday Sales

While my traffic has gone up, the sales still a small fraction of what I had hoped it would be, I feel terrible for anyone trying to do this stuff in a down encony. On the up side, when this economy recovers, this is going to be so much easier, and profitable, to do.


David said...

I am interested in what you are doing. I have been selling on Amazon ever since they allowed third party sellers. I have made some excellent money over the years, but would love to punch them in the fucking nuts sometimes.

Would love to compare notes. How do I contact you?

anthonylucio said...

I randomly stumbled across your blog just be clicking "next blog" until a blog title caught my eye. Obviously "How I Became Rich" definitely caught my eye. Just wanted to say thanks for the read! you've been bookmarked and I'll continue reading later. Merry Christmas :)

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