Monday, August 10, 2009

Traffic Geyser

I am new at it, but spent much time reading and studying before submitting anything. After about a week, my rankings and traffic were poor, so I started going out to all the different links that TG said were successful. More than half of the successful uploads, apparently, are no where to be found. Even, simple, no password sites seem to have no clue about me.

There are the sites that seem to be not functioning properly like that say my feed is already submitted, but it's nowhere to be found. Then, when I add in the fact that many sites don't want my videos, like and I am left to wonder what service I would actually be paying $99 for? Never mind the $250 Platinum service.

While I think the concept of this site is fine, it seems that I would be spending as much of my time troubleshooting new problems, and checking to see if it even worked. At that point, I may as well just shoot the videos and pay the virtual assistant to upload the links manually. When I consider the VA cost, and TG cost, I think the VA would be cheaper and more reliable.

But again, the idea is great. Post videos on video and podcast sites. Add the text of the videos onto article and blog sites. Post links to the videos, articles and blogs on social networking sites. If the TG service worked as advertised, it would be worth the $99/mo to make life easier. However, with all the hundreds of glitches, it seems to be more work than help.

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