Tuesday, November 6, 2007

AdWords Revisited

Apparently, all Ads placed on Google's AdWords system must be manually approved before being released into the wild. But, Now that it;s been OK'ed by some immortal being, it's cruising. In a few short hours, I've had over 1,200 ads placed, and had 6 hits (at .10 cents each, that's .60 cents). Here is the interesting part, with all the random keywords I chose (use your own imagination) by far, at over 80%, the number one keyword was (dramatic pause) Animal Sex.

Yeah, I know, right? It also sent me all 6 hits. Despite the topic (and the customers!) this shows a market for a product, which is what I was really hoping for. Once they get there, it's usual crap toys. If I was to target that market and advertise exclusively to them, selling products exclusively FOR them, I may well get a much better hit/miss ratio.

In my searching the other day, I remember seeing some blow up sheep or some such nonsense. Maybe I can find enough products and group them all together, then shoot at the target again.

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