Friday, November 2, 2007

Porno Shop

When I was 18, people would ask me what I wanted to do with my life, and I said "Open a Porno Shop". 10 years later, people asked me what I was going to do, and I said "Open a Porno Shop". Two years ago, someone asked me how I planed on retiring, and I replied "With a Porno Shop".

Well, I was just comparing the DirectShip I mentioned in the last post with online stores vs. the wholesalers and I simply can NOT belive the markup on those sex toys. We are talking 40-50%... of pure profit. And If you ever seen the prices, that's not spare change, at all. I just compared this product (does it matter which?) and one store sold it for $75, another sold it for $59. My cost would be $40 to have it shipped from the warehouse, to your house. All that difference in the middle would go right into my pocket.

I am so all over this.

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